SA Fashion Week

SA Fashion Week

It’s been over a week now and we’re still pining, and pinning, over some of the African-inspired prints and designs that we spotted on the runways at SA Fashion Week. There’s one thing that no one can argue about South Africa… we’ve got style! Loads and loads of style. Here are some super cool looks we are loving right now, from some of SA’s hottest designers.

Ruffle necklines, puffed skirts, oversized necklaces, shoe tassels and tulle for days!

What’s not to love about these over-sized, under-celebrated styles.

SA Fashion WeekSA Fashion WeekSA Fashion Week SA Fashion WeekSA Fashion Week

Black baby! It’s our thing. For so many reasons, we love black. Black Shoes, Little Black Dresses, and Black Friday… just a few of our favourites that pop to mind. It’s a mix and match heaven when it comes to outfit creations and one thing is for sure, there’s never been a runway without this iconic colour showing up for a round of applause. We’ll take one of each of these please…

 SA Fashion WeekSA Fashion WeekSA Fashion WeekSA Fashion Week SA Fashion Week

Sometimes though, it’s less about the runway and more about what’s happening outside on the streets. Sometimes…that’s where the real, raw, unapologetic fashion is strutting its stuff.  We see it every day on the gram, where you kweens are forcing friendships with formal wear and sneakers, or wearing active wear to work and ensuring comfort looks stylish, in the very best way! It’s one big mixing pot of creativity out there and we totes love it! Runway or side walk… keep keeping it real dharling!

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